Of Princes and Poisons (The Culled Crown Series, #2) by Brianna Joy Crump

Hiya, Ruminative Fam! William Shakespeare once said, “Expectation is the root of all heartache”. The book I’m going to talk about today is the perfect example of that. If you recall my last post (here's the link), you'll remember an amazing, action-packed young-adult fantasy novel! As the first book in the series was incredible, my... Continue Reading →

ARC: Of Cages and Crowns (The Culled Crown Series, #1) by Brianna Joy Crump

Hiya, Ruminative Fam! Sometimes in your life, you come across a book that just blows your mind with its awesomeness! When that happens, you can't stop talking about it and appreciating it. Today’s book is one of those. When I got the ARC for this book, I didn’t have any expectations, but it turned out... Continue Reading →

10 books I read in May’23

Hiya, Ruminative Fam! How’s it going? This month has been an amazing time in terms of reading for me. I read some really good books and most importantly, I read consistently. Despite things happening in life, I gave time to reading and I’m so happy about it. I have read 10 books in total and... Continue Reading →

Better Than The Movies by Lynn Painter

Hiya, Ruminative Fam! How are things going? Feeling the Monday Blues? Fret not, because here I am with a book that will brighten your life and take away all the sadness! Intrigued? Read more to know more👇🏼 Name: Better Than The MoviesAuthor: Lynn PainterType: StandaloneGenre: Contemporary Romance, YA RomancePublish Date: 4 May, 2021 Liz Buxbaum... Continue Reading →

House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland

Hiya Ruminative Fam! Which is the most creepy book you’ve read? This right here has some intense Midsommar (the movie) vibes🫣 Name: House of HollowAuthor: Krystal Sutherland Type: Stand-aloneGenre: Fantasy, Horror, Magical Realism, YAPublish Date: 6th April, 2021 Seventeen-year-old Iris Hollow has always been strange. Something happened to her and her two older sisters when... Continue Reading →

Legendborn by Tracy Deonn.

Hello, everyone! It's July already, which means half a year is gone. How's it going? How's your journey so far? Let me know in the comments what's new and what's good in your life😁 For me, I cleared my PhD mandatory coursework exams and am now onboard to the research journey. Not going to lie,... Continue Reading →

June-2022 wrap-up!

Hello, Ruminative Fam! It's time again to look back at my reading progress. This month, I have read a mix of genres, from mystery to horror to fantasy to historical fiction, I have read them all. I'm very happy and satisfied with the books I have read because some were very entertaining whereas others were... Continue Reading →

May-2022 wrap-up!

Hello, Ruminative Fam! I'm so excited to share this month's reading progress with you. This is the month I have read a maximum number of books and I am so happy to incorporate reading this diligently in my life. You see, I'm bringing back my love of reading which got sidetracked because of....life. So, let's... Continue Reading →

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