Every Book Lover’s Enemy: “The Reading Slump”

Hiya, Ruminative Fam! It’s June already? Six months into 2024 and here I am, sitting with only six finished books. I’ve made it a point to read at least 30 books every year and I was having no trouble finishing that goal. But this year has been a little difficult. I barely got the time and energy to read, and was just so depleted of that zeal for reading..

No matter which book I picked up, I just couldn’t find that feeling of excitement. Soon I realized that I was in a “reading slump”😵‍💫. And if you’re are a reader, you know how frustrating these can be. They drain your energy and make it impossible to enjoy any book. Not going to lie, I’m slowly getting back on track but it’s a challenge. So, in this post I’ll talk about this crazy unwanted guest in our life — “the reading slump”

Definition: “A reading slump is a period during which a person finds it difficult to engage with and enjoy reading. During a reading slump, people struggle to start or finish books, feel disinterested in reading material, and experience a lack of motivation to read altogether.

Addressing a reading slump involves finding different ways to rekindle the joy of reading. But, why do we not feel joy and happiness in the first place? Why is it that suddenly we lose the excitement and just give up on reading? Let’s see some reasons why we find ourselves in a reading slump:

1. Burnout: Reading too many books in a short period can lead to mental fatigue, making it hard to find enjoyment in new reads. The strain that occurs from the high volume of information in a short amount of time results in difficulty concentrating. This exhaustion can change reading from an enjoyable activity to a burdensome task, diminishing the happiness associated with it.

2. Limited Time: A busy schedule can make it hard to find the uninterrupted time needed to get absorbed in a book. When your day is filled with numerous tasks, commitments, and responsibilities, taking time for reading becomes a challenge. This hampers the readers to immerse themselves completely in the story, and the ability to connect with the story and characters is compromised.

3. Lack of Interest: Sometimes, the books we’re choosing simply don’t resonate with us, leading to a lack of interest in the story. This happens when either the writing style or the plot theme does not align with our personal notions or mood. The less we relate to the content, the more challenging it is to focus and continue reading.

4. Distractions: The top-most reason for distraction in today’s time. The presence of social media and digital entertainment really pulls our attention away from reading. They are designed specifically to be highly engaging and addictive and keep us visually stimulated. We are sometimes not even aware of how long we’ve been on a particular social app, stuck in the endless doom of scrolling, and this makes it harder to pick up a book and focus.

5. High Expectations: After finishing a great book, it can be challenging to find another that lives up to it, often resulting in disappointment. This happens because of the exceptional experience you had with the previous book, and now high standards have been set. But when the next book fails to bring that level of engagement and excitement, it feels underwhelming by comparison. So, this creates a gap between our desires and the reality of new book’s impact, leading to disappointment.

6. Health Issues: Health issues, whether physical or mental, significantly affect our ability to focus on reading. When we’re not feeling well, whether due to illness, pain, fatigue, or emotional distress, our ability to focus is compromised. It becomes challenging to immerse ourselves in a book and that leads to a decrease in the enjoyment of effective reading. In this case, prioritising self-care and seeking appropriate support is essential before anything else!

Once you’re in a reading slump, it might feel like you will never be able to pick up a book or enjoy reading books now. But that’s not the case! Identifying the reason behind a reading slump can be the first step toward overcoming it and rediscovering the joy of reading. Getting out of a reading slump can be challenging, but here are some tips that might help:

1. Change Genres: Switching to a different genre than what you usually read can reignite your interest in reading. Different genres provide a fresh perspective, writing styles, themes, and characters that can break the monotony and make reading exciting. Stepping out of your comfort zone may help you discover new favourites and enhance your overall reading experience!

2. Set Small Goals: By reading short stories or novellas, you’ll get a quicker sense of accomplishment and that’ll boost your confidence to read more. Completing a short piece will give you immediate satisfaction making the idea of handling longer books less intimidating over time.

3. Revisit Favorites: Pick up a book you loved in the past and reread it. The familiarity of the characters and the nostalgia of the feeling associated with it can rekindle your love for reading. It will remind you of the joy and comfort linked with the books, and this will act as powerful motivator to explore new books.

4. Create a Routine: Set aside a specific time each day for reading, even if it’s just for 10-15 minutes. There’s beauty in consistency; by making reading a regular part of your routine, it’ll become a habit. This dedicated time ensures that you make steady progress in your reading goal and helps you to integrate reading effortlessly in your life.

5. Join a Book Club: Joining a book club will provide external motivation to you! By sharing your experiences with others, you will feel happiness and this encourages you to read regularly to keep up with all the discussions and fun. And so, book clubs make reading more enjoyable and engaging.

6. Visit a Bookstore or Library: Spending time in a bookstore or a library may help you discover different genres and new titles. You might come across a book that captivates your attention and reignite your interest in reading.

7. Explore Different Formats: Sometimes you need to experiment with different formats to get you into reading. Be it an audiobook or an e-book, switching formats can make your reading experience more fun and engaging. This also makes reading convenient as audiobooks are great for multitasking while e-books offer portability and adjustable text sizes.

8. Limit Distractions: Choose a quiet, comfortable spot for reading. When you stay away from potential distractions such as your phone or TV, you are more likely to focus your energy on reading. Create a dedicated environment to help you immerse yourself in the book, the plot and connect yourself with the characters making reading more enjoyable.

9. Read What You Love: Don’t feel pressured to read what’s popular! Instead, focus on reading books that genuinely interest you. The pressure of reading the “best-selling trending books” might hinder your reading journey. So, choosing the material that aligns your preferences will make reading more satisfying.

10. Set Realistic Expectations: It’s okay to read slowly and at your own pace. Allow yourself to take a break when reading becomes overwhelming. Remember “Reading should be an adventure, not a task; a journey, not a destination; a joy, not a duty.”

In the end, I’ll say that experiencing a reading slump is an extremely common occurrence and it’s perfectly okay if you “don’t feel like reading” at any point in time. Whether you find solace in reading old favorites, joining book clubs for fresh perspectives, or simply allowing yourself to read at your own pace, the journey out of a reading slump can be as exciting as finding money in the pockets of old clothes you never wear. By understanding your triggers and recognizing the signs, you can tackle reading slumps and continue to enjoy the profound and transformative impact of books in your life.

Thank you for reading, Ruminative Fam!

Let’s Chat: “How do you overcome reading slumps?”

© Ruminative Philomath (2024) by Deeksha Bhardwaj. All rights reserved.

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