Every Book Lover’s Enemy: “The Reading Slump”

Hiya, Ruminative Fam! It’s June already? Six months into 2024 and here I am, sitting with only six finished books. I’ve made it a point to read at least 30 books every year and I was having no trouble finishing that goal. But this year has been a little difficult. I barely got the time... Continue Reading →

7 Reasons Why You Should Read Fiction

Hiya, Ruminative Fam! Reading has always been one of my great passions. I love diving into fantasy worlds and thrilling mysteries, but whenever I mention that reading is my hobby, people often assume that I'm talking about non-fiction or self-help books. Do you experience the same? In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, reading fiction books may... Continue Reading →

Can You Really “Have It All”?

What does "having it all" mean to you? Is it attainable? Hiya, Ruminative Fam! It's amazing how quickly life moves nowadays. One moment we're celebrating the start of the new year, and the next, we're already halfway through, wondering how time flew by so quickly. In our daily lives, we are often overwhelmed by endless... Continue Reading →

Finding Solace in Sharing

Hiya, Ruminative Fam! Hope you all are doing great! Today, I'm embarking on a series of writings that deviate from book reviews and poetry, and shape my raw thoughts into articles. The sense is to dive deep into a range of topics, from societal issues to personal experiences. I hope these pieces resonate with you.... Continue Reading →

6 must-read books for Mother’s Day

Hiya Ruminative Fam! Mother's Day is a special day for families to come together and celebrate the mothers in their lives. But what better way to honour the extraordinary women in our lives than with a good book? Reading is a great way to spend quality time with our mothers and show them how much... Continue Reading →

Writing a book review!

Hi all. How's your week going? Mine's good and I have a few book reviews lined up in my draft to be posted. As you all know, I love writing reviews. But, there's something that I dread while writing these reviews. Just when I finish a book, the first thought is well.. time to write... Continue Reading →

Finding your passion!

Hey everyone, hope you all are doing great! Lately, I have been feeling a little distracted and confused about my blog. You might have seen me separating and then merging my blog a few times. Yes! I tried to separate my book reviews in a new blog that was mainly focused on bookish content. But... Continue Reading →

Why you should blog?

Blogging. It is something I never thought would be a big part of my life one day. I started blogging in 2020, amidst the pandemic. This small decision changed my life. As I started writing more and more, I could see my thought process changing. Writing enhances you as a person, it makes you think... Continue Reading →

One year blog anniversary.

Hey there!I'm here to share,A happy news with care, Are you ready for it?It's something I did,Can you guess what it is?Maybe you know as it is, I'm so proud of it,Coz it's super lit,Like a dream fulfilled,And I'm so very thrilled, You might have guessed by now,What this suspense is all about,I can't wait... Continue Reading →

Podcasts: Everything you need to know.

The world of podcasts is growing day by day. It has become a trend nowadays to listen to podcasts as a part of your morning routine. They not only provide valuable knowledge but also acts as background sounds while doing other chores. Like books, the world of podcasts has endless knowledge. From self-improvement to lifestyle,... Continue Reading →

Oh! How life changes.

Oh! How life changes. One day you are at the top, doing great, accomplishing everything you wanted. Just like being at the top of a mountain looking down at the beautiful sight, which came into view because of your efforts and dedication. There is a different type of confidence when you are at the pinnacle... Continue Reading →

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